Sunday, August 26, 2012

Georgia Pacific Tough Rock drywall, and Sheetrock Ultra Light review

Overall, I would give these products about the same rating, about a b+ because I really don't know the major differences among drywall manufacturers, quality of product, etc..., Tough Rock's particular drywall happened to be at Lowes, which home improvement store I frequently shop at.  Compared to Home Depot's Sheetrock ultra light brand, I couldn't tell a major difference between the two, except for Home Depot's Sheetrock ultra light brand did seem a little bit lighter than Georgia Pacific's Tough Rock.  Side by side after installation, if you can tell me which is which in this picture, I would pay out money to see someone tell me what the differences based on appearance and quality JUST by looking at the picture.  I'm willing to bet that there isn't much difference, even if someone came from either manufacturer and looked at my bathroom.  I would love to be educated on these differences if there are some.  Thanks for looking!


At October 22, 2012 at 12:49 PM , Blogger Nathan Lloyd said...

Hi Chris,

Stumbled upon your review of the Toughrock drywall, and I was curious to hear how it is holding up to daily wear and tear. I know you've only had it for about 2 months now, but I have read some places that this lighter sheetrock isn't as resilient as standard sheetrock.

Thanks for your opinion - Nathan


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